Shooting a romantic, Fall engagement session at Livingston Square outside of Madison, Mississippi is always a treat! And it’s even better when I have the honor of capturing a couple as sweet as Alexis and Derek. This adorable couple had my cheeks hurting by the end of the session from smiling so much! I just couldn’t help but feel their joyful love radiate in each image.
The Town of Livingston in located in Flora, Mississippi. It’s a quaint little place that’s picturesque and perfect for any type of photography shoot. Besides the beautiful lake nearby, my most favorite part is the chapel and courtyard. I absolutely love the story behind this little white chapel. It has such a rich history that I can’t help but share!
“Originally built in Camden, Mississippi in 1907, this little chapel has some stories to tell. After serving as the town church for years, it was moved from Camden to the campus of St. Andrew’s school in Ridgeland, Mississippi. A few years ago, the developers of Livingston decided our Town needed a truly historic venue, and so they moved this amazing building to Livingston and have restored every bit possible.”
Square Events
Even better than the sweet town is the most adorable couple that I had the pleasure of photographing. Alexis and Derek were every photographers dream to capture. They dressed in beautiful attire! They started the session with a casual date look first and then changed into a romantic look to cap off the sunset evening.
I absolutely loved working with this dream couple at their Livingston Square Engagement Session. Alexis and Derek met through mutual friends and were married at Riverside Church in January 2022.

Livingston Square Engagement Links
Check out my latest work on Instagram and in the Portfolio
And keep an eye out on the blog soon for their wedding day story!